Youth drop-out blackspots mapped

UK youth drop-out and NEET blackspots have been mapped in a new report by the Work Foundation. The report blames a tough jobs market and cuts to youth services and…

Earnings value of degrees to be revealed

Lifetime earnings value of degrees to be revealed for the first time as the official workforce survey will start to ask respondents about institution attended and subject. Read the full…

Why are under 25s hardest hit by unemployment?

Professor John Van Reenen, Director of the Centre for Economic Performance at the LSE, describes growing youth unemployment as “a long running problem, rather than something that has just happened”….

Young peoples’ career aspirations aged 10-14

Louise Archer, Professor of Sociology of Education at King’s College London, spoke at a free Taskforce research seminar about young peoples’ career aspirations aged 10 – 14. She shared the…