Careers guidance and access for education and training providers: Statutory guidance for governing bodies, school leaders and school staff

By the Department for Education (Published October 2018)

The updated statutory guidance for governing bodies, school leaders and school staff expands on the aims set out in the Government’s Careers Strategy (2017) to ensure that all young people in secondary receive stable, structured and well-delivered career learning. The statutory guidance has been restructured around the Gatsby Benchmarks which will help ensure that schools are fulfilling their legal duties. From January 2019, every secondary school should be using the Eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Careers Guidance to meet the targets set out by 2020. In addition, from September 2018, every school must publish details of their careers programme for young people and their parents and should appoint a Careers Leader. Careers guidance must be presented in an impartial manner, include information on the range of education or training options (including apprenticeship and vocational options) and must take into consideration the best interests of the pupils to whom it is given. External support and advice to schools will be provided by the Careers & Enterprise Company, which will also be responsible for ‘Compass’ – an online self-evaluation tool for schools to assess their career support again the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Read the report here