Post-16 Institutions and Providers Omnibus Survey – Wave 6 Findings

Department for Education
(February 2019)

Read the report here.


The new post 16 Institutions and Providers Omnibus Survey examines post-16 education across England to gain a better understanding of how public and private institutions view recent changes to post-16 provision and explore how they are adapting to ensure learners are prepared for the world of work. This report presents the findings of telephone interviews with 421 headteachers and principals at post-16 institutions and 245 Directors and CEOs in privately funded training providers in England. 89% of post-16 institutions that offered A levels said that the preparation and start of teaching in the new third wave technical course and applied general qualification has gone well. While Further Education colleges were more likely to offer technical courses than other school types (88%), over half of all post-16 institutions also offered technical courses. Only 10% of institutions offered apprenticeships with traineeships offered by 6%. Apprenticeships were Offered by 90% of private training providers.

Following the release of the Department for Education and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills’ Post-16 Skills Plan in 2016, the government has set out to support and instruct post-16 providers in relation to careers education. Nearly all institutions said they offered personal careers guidance and gave students the opportunity to attend careers and skills fairs and receive talks from careers advisors. However, while 96% of institutions offered talks with careers, only 77% of institutions had more than half of students experiencing careers talks in each year of their course. 66% of private training providers offered talks with careers advisors but a higher proportion of private training providers offered personal careers guidance to their students.