Students’ Perceptions of Work Experience by the National Support Group for Work Experience: Report of Impact Measures

A report by the National Support Group for Work Experience and the National Education Business Partnership Network (NEBPN), commissioned by the Institute for Education Business Excellence (IEBE) and the Department for Children, Schools and Families (now the Department for Education)

This report charts the development of a framework for measuring the impact of work experience on young people. It analyses 15,025 student responses to a survey designed to assess the impact of work experience on the following areas: student motivation and confidence; knowledge and understanding of the world of work; the development of key skills; and career decisions. Surveys were distributed and collected throughout the UK regions between March 2007 and April 2008.

Key findings include:

  • 80% thought their work experience was very (49%) or mostly (31%) enjoyable. A further 13% said they had some enjoyment from it
  • The most positive response of 96% was to the statement: ‘I was able to show a positive attitude at work’
  • 92% were very satisfied (50%), quite satisfied (30%) or satisfied (12%) with their work experience
  • 90% gave a positive response (i.e. they strongly agreed or agreed) to the statement ‘I understand better why it is important to do well at school’
  • The least positive response, which was 76% positive, is to the statement: ‘I am clearer about what I want to do in my future education and career’

The report shows broad student support for the capacity of work experience to develop and improve the impact areas that were assessed.

Students’ Perceptions of Work Experience by the National Support Group for Work Experience: Report of Impact Measures – full report