November 23, 2012

Pupils let down by university ‘snobbery’ access tsar warns

November 23, 2012

Schoolchildren should ignore the “dreadful snobbery” that puts pressure on them to push for places at elite universities, the Government higher education access watchdog has warned. Pupils should be encouraged to pursue the “most appropriate route” into the workplace, including taking up vocational courses and apprenticeships, said Prof Les Ebdon. Read the full story.

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November 22, 2012

Poor white boys ‘lagging behind classmates by age five’

November 22, 2012

White working-class boys are lagging dramatically behind other children at the age of five amid growing fears over poor parenting skills in the most deprived communities. Data from the Department for Education shows they are less likely to be able to read, communicate, use basic numeracy and show the necessary physical and social awareness as […]

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November 16, 2012

Nancy Hoffman seminar free to download

November 16, 2012

The slides, podcast and video are now available online from the Nancy Hoffman seminar ‘Building a better “Pathways to Careers” system in the US’ hosted in London by the Education and Employers Taskforce. See the podcast: /research/research-seminars-2011-12/dr-nancy-hoffmann—15th-november-2012/

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November 16, 2012

Technology not used to its “full promise & potential” in schools

November 16, 2012

Digital technology that has the power to transform education often sits in boxes because teachers do not know how best to use it, a study claims. Researchers for the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (Nesta) say there is clear evidence that technology can boost learning. Read the full story.

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November 14, 2012

“Arc of underachievement” blights life chances

November 14, 2012

An “arc of underachievement” blights the life chances of thousands of children in some northern and coastal towns in England, says Labour. The shadow education secretary, Stephen Twigg, says the poorest pupils, particularly white working class children, are being held back. Read the full story.

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November 12, 2012

Call for employers to play a bigger role in the classroom

November 12, 2012

School teachers and parents are calling for UK employers to increase their involvement in education by playing a greater role in advising – and providing work experience for – young people. That’s according to new independent research released today by the Association of Colleges to mark Colleges Week 2012, which runs from 11-18 November 2012. […]

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November 12, 2012

Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion

November 12, 2012

The Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion, which recognises individuals who have been nominated for their outstanding contributions to enterprise culture in the UK, takes place on Tuesday 13 November. The Secretary of State for Business, Vince Cable will present Stuart Langworthy, a business studies teacher at Millbrook Academy with his award. As director of business […]

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November 12, 2012

Global Entrepreneurship Week 2012 is here

November 12, 2012

Global Entrepreneurship Week, the world’s largest campaign to promote entrepreneurship, is taking place this week 12 – 16 November 2012. Inspiring the Future is working with the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) to use the week to increase the number of ‘enterprise champions’ volunteering to speak with pupils in state schools and colleges […]

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November 9, 2012

Speakers for Schools launches in Scotland

November 9, 2012

Charity Speakers for Schools launches today in Scotland with talks in state secondary schools by Alex Salmond, First Minister rand Michael Moore, Secretary of State for Scotland. Talks from leaders in business, culture, academia and media follow during launch week of 9-16 November. Read the full story. Read our Press Release to see who it […]

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November 8, 2012

University rich-poor divide ‘narrows’

November 8, 2012

The gap in numbers of people from the richest and poorest sections of society going to university in England has narrowed, the Institute for Fiscal Studies think-tank says. Their study from the shows the gap dropped from 40 percentage points to 37 points in the five years to 2010. Read the full story.

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