March 25, 2019

Post-16 Institutions and Providers Omnibus Survey – Wave 6 Findings

March 25, 2019

Department for Education (February 2019) Read the report here.   The new post 16 Institutions and Providers Omnibus Survey examines post-16 education across England to gain a better understanding of how public and private institutions view recent changes to post-16 provision and explore how they are adapting to ensure learners are prepared for the world […]

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March 25, 2019

PISA in Focus #93 – Why Don’t More Girls Choose to Pursue a Science Career?

March 25, 2019

OECD (February 2019) Read the report here. In the latest issue of PISA in Focus, the authors explore data from the 2015 wave of PISA to examine gender differences in global science performance and why more girls don’t pursue a science career. Across the 67 PISA participating countries, boys outperform girls in science in 22 […]

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March 25, 2019

TIME FOR ACTION: Skills for Economic Growth and Social Justice

March 25, 2019

Learning and Work Institute (March 2019) Read the report here. This new report from the Learning and Work Institute argues that improvements in the UK’s skills base have stalled and are set to slow further over the next ten years. Since the 2008 financial crisis, economic growth has been slower in the last decade than […]

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February 27, 2019

Evaluation of University Technical Colleges

February 27, 2019

By NFER (published February 2019) This new report is the final phase of a two-phase project by National Foundation for Education Research (NFER) examining the project-based learning (PBL) and employer engagement aspects of University Technical Colleges’ (UTCs) curriculum development and delivery. The Buck Institute for Education defines PBL as a teaching method in which students […]

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February 27, 2019

Getting Apprenticeships Right: Next steps

February 27, 2019

By CBI (published January 2019) Nearly two years on after the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy, apprenticeship starts have fallen by around 40%. While the government has adopted several recommendations made by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) in their last Education and Skills Annual report, this report marks the first of the CBI’s series of Levy […]

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February 27, 2019

Access to Advantage: The influence of schools and place on admissions to top universities

February 27, 2019

By The Sutton Trust (published December 2018) This new report from the Sutton Trust builds upon previous research around the relationship between university admissions, socioeconomic background and geography of students to examine who is applying and being accepted to which universities across England. It examines the relationship between school type and geography with higher education […]

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February 27, 2019

Skills Forecast: Trends and challenges to 2030

February 27, 2019

By Cedefop (published December 2018) This new report from Cedefop provides information about the current state of Europe’s labour market and potential future trends. 2017 saw the fifth year of recovery in EU GDP growth, which is expected to continue in the near term averaging 1.8% until 2020 and slowing to 1.4% from 2021 onwards. The […]

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February 26, 2019

Young people’s education choices and progression to Higher Education: A comparison of A-Level and Non-A-Level students in Key Stage 5, their subject choices and transitions to university

February 26, 2019

By Bursnall, M.,  Naddeo, A., & Speckesser, S. (NIESR) (published January 2019) This new discussion paper from Bursnall, Naddeo and Speckesser analyses students’ choices when leaving Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 5 for pupils progressing to either academic A-level or vocational Level 3 programmes. Using data published by the Department for Education and linked […]

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February 22, 2019

The Future of Work – A new report by CASCAID supported by Education and Employers

February 22, 2019

Supported by Education and Employers, CASCAID have launched their latest report The Future of Work, which explores the impact of technology on young people’s expectations of work and careers education. The report reflects on how generational differences have shaped the workplace and people’s attitudes towards work. The authors also examine how the fourth industrial revolution […]

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